Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Ogres are coming!

Hey guys! Buckets Of Brains! Is back and showing off some progress from Harlow Games club slow grow league. We kick off at 750 and week by week grow to 2k, with a different scenario and increasing point limit each week. I've just finished 10 of my 20 skeleton archers, only leaving me 10 Revenant Cavalry, Cursed Pharoah, Liche king and Mounted vampire lord to make!

This post will be showing my good friends Martyn Foster progress on his ogres because boy, they're beautiful. He is a commission painter and all of his stuff looks amazing so he deserves the spotlight. Lets take a look!

First off his unit of shooters, I love the OSL lighting on the models and the rust effects on the the guns, I dislike being shot by them.

Next up his wizard, this was a butcher from the WFB range but we think it's appropriate for his wizard which again, looks the balls!

Next up I mean.. just wow look at these guys. The model in front center will be Martyns Warlord model and is breathtaking in detail, and behind are his ogre warriors which are equally stunning.

Last but by no means least, siege breakers and his captian. Again these models are full of detail, stunning basing and rich tones.

That's it for this installment, but coming up soon is battle reports, lots of them! I nearly have 3k of Undead Armies made up, so it's time to start putting brush to model as well cracking out some 2k games.

Thanks for reading guys and drop me a comment on what you're currently working on!


  1. How many points are you adding each week? I'm keen to get a local slow grow happening too (ACT).



  2. Hey man, first of all thanks for checking in and giving me a read.

    The way we're running it as follows, it's a 6 week affair. Starting at 750, increasing 250 each week to end at 2000. We start week on scenario 1, and play each different scenario relative to the week we're on. So at week 4 we play scenario 4, ect.

    It's 3 points for a win, 1 for a loss.
