My Undead Armies for this battle was :
Zombies - Horde
Revenant Infantry - Horde
Werewolves - Regiment
Soul Reaver Cavarly - Troop
Liche King - Hero
Balefire Catapult - War Engine
Ogre Armies brang:
Ogre Warriors - Horde
Siege Breakers - Regiment
Shooters - Regiment
Warlord /w Two handed weapon instead of shield - Hero
Captian /w Heavy Crossbow - Hero
Warlock /w Fireball - Hero
I won't go into any great detail for lists as well, this is what I have built bar 5 more Soul Reaver Cavarly 1 more Balefire Catapult, 3 more Werewolves and 10 Skeleton Archers. I simply made my list to my opponent points and tried to bring a little of everything. My good friend chose what he did as it's simply what he had painted. We played the kill scenario with minimal scenery as we're getting our head around the rules.
Here is the deployment, Martyn won the roll, chose his side and put down his horde of Warriors in the center of the table. I knew that if I funneled all my forces into the middle of the board I would simply be out muscled. I decided to throw the two hordes in the middle and the fast movers out on the flank, with the Balefire Catapult behind the hordes. The Liche King sat behind the horde of zombies and was within inspiring range of both hordes. Martyns army from left to right is - Shooters, Captian /w Heavy crossbow, Ogre Warriors, Warlock, Siege Breakers and lastly the Warlord on the right to contest the Werewolves. Mine from left to right is Soul Reaver Cavarly, Revenant Infantry, Zombies, Liche king behind, Balefire Catapult behind, Werewolves on the far right flank.
Turn 1 for the ogres saw the Warriors / Siege breakers make there way for the middle, the Warlord took an advance and pivoted, and the Shooters / Captain stood still. The warlock advanced to be within 24" for some lightning bolt goodness. The Shooters / Captain shot the Soul Reavers, doing a combined damage of only 1 wound and no wavering result was rolled. The lightning bolt managed to miss all 3 times sadly.
Undead turn 1! The werewolves on the right flank went a straight on the double and took there pivot due to being nimble right at the end in which I was hoping to clear the arc of sight of the Warlord, which i did not by a big margin! The Soul Reavers took a on the double on the left flank, meaning any further shooting would either be hindered completely or at least claim cover from the those nasty shooting units. The main bulks advanced, I left both units within 12" of the Warriors, knowing if one didn't crack it would be sad times for the Warriors. The Liche King advanced to retain his Inspiring on both units. The Balefire Catapult took a shot into those darn Shooters and missed.

Ogre Armies Turn 2, we talked the charge out between us. The warriors had 18 attacks at melee 3+ with CS1. Meaning with a spike of good rolls the zombies could reasonably be within rout range after the combat. The Warriors did take the charge into the zombies, the Siege breakers took a move to threaten the Zombies if not routed. The Shooter and Captain stood still and looked down there barrels at my Revenant Infantry. Martyn was hoping between the fireball from the Warlock, and combined arms shooting from both the Shooters and Captain a big dent would be made into the Revenant Infantry. I think in total the unit suffered 7 wounds, but being -/20 a roll could not be made.

The Warlord took the charge into the Werewolves and yes Martyn is a commission painter and his stuff is of the highest caliber, here's a great action shot of the warlord smashing into the Werewolf regiment. The combats were rolled and Martyn did 10 damage to the zombie horde, his initial roll of 11 on the nerve would of routed, the re roll from inspiring was sadly not enough and the Zombie horde were steady. The Warlord fluffed his rolls and only did 2 damage to the Werewolf unit, with them being 12/14 they were also steady.

Here is the scene at the end of Undead Armies turn 2. The Werewolves counter charged the Warlord, the Soul Reavers couldn't quite make it into contact with the flank of the Shooter regiment with one pivot. They took a 4" advanced, pivoted and advanced 4" more to have a guaranteed flank on the Shooters unless they moved. The Zombie horde counter charged the Warriors and the Revenant Infantry charged the flank. The Liche King threw a Bane Chant on the Revenant Infantry and succeeded. The Balefire shot at the shooters and again missed. In the melees the Werewolves did 3 damage, lifeleeched 1 back and did not waver / rout the Warlord. The warrior unit were routed with both my units getting 1 wound back via lifeleech. My Revenant Infantry took a change facing, and my Zombies moved D6 back rolling a 1.

Ogre Turn 3! The Siege Breakers slammed into the Zombie Regiment, The Warlord counter Charged the Werewolves and the Warlock, Shooters and Captian all opened up into the Revenant Infantry. The Revenants being DE5, paired with Ogres RA5 meant they only took 5 more damage putting them on 11. Being -/20 they stayed, the Warlord did 3 more to my Werewolves putting them on 4 damage. Needing a 8 to waver and a 10 to rout they were steady.

Undead Turn 3, The Soul Reavers got the flank into the Shooters. The Werewolves counter charged the Warlord and the Revenant Infantry received a change facing order. In the shooting phase my Liche King cast his Surge (12) onto the Revenants which pushed them into melee and this a successful charge into the Siege Breakers. The Werewolves did 4, Lifeleeched 1 and didn't rout or waver the Warlord. The shooters were routed and with some incredible rolling the Siege Breakers were routed. I'm sure the Balefire Catapult shot something, but missed.

Ogre turn 4, this picture is a little out of Sync, as Martyn forgot to move his Captain which we did after the photo was taken. The Captain was marched out of arc of sight of both my units, the Werewolves were finished by the Warlord and he changed his facing. The Warlock threw a fireball into the Revenant Infantry, looking for a 10 to rout them within my inspiring they were steady.

Undead Armies turn 4, with a surge into the Captains flank and my Soul Reavers going into the flank of the Warlock, both heroes were routed my turn 4 and only the Warlord was left. He made a last stand into the Soul Reavers but was ultimately cut down by the pack of Vampires.
In the end it was a victory for the Undead Armies! It was a great game as all games are against Martyn. We had a good laugh and he got a grasp on the rule set right off the bat.
Thank you for turning in guys, and I hope you enjoyed it. The blog will feature a 1500 point game against Ratkin very soon so stay tuned!
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