Sunday, 24 January 2016

I got me some reinforcements!

Hey guys I hope you're all well! I'm back with some more undead ghoulies for my Undead Armies force.

Quick note, CanCon has hit us and it's over. With the recent discussion on the forums with Undead Armies and Elf Armies being under the spot light this is huge information for the rules comitte, and It's great to see big events being run for Kings of War. It's really exploding at the moment and I cannot wait to get my teeth into the tournament scene.

I got my second box of Soul Reaver Cavarly and was very eager to make them. This models are simply gorgeous, Ive made 5 with capes and 5 without for a few reasons. The main for me, is vampires are in my eyes beings of huge power. One vampire could cut down a hundred men, the idea of a "pack" or "group" of vampires hunting seems odd to me. I more like the idea of a pack of single vampires have joined together for a mass battle, so I'm hoping the non uniformity gets this across. Secondly, if I do want to run 2 troops rather then 1 regiment they will be easily distinguishable

Next up are my Balefire Catapults, I've fallen for these guys pretty hard and I plan to get a third pretty soon. These guys destroy stuff when the hit and Indirect Fire is the rule to have for war-engines. I'm a big big fan of these guys and very glad to have got them made.

That's it for this installment and thank you very much for reading. Drop me a comment on what you're working, how's it going or are you attending any events soon?

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