Thursday, 14 January 2016

A necromancer, some werewolves and soul reaver cavarly walk into a bar...

Hey guys! I'm back and I've managed to make some models, sadly I'm still waiting on half of my army to arrive, but I've got the first half and last night I managed to crack on and make some models so I thought I'd share with you what I made.

So first off is this guy, I ordered a regular necromancer through my local mantic crack, sorry model dealer and through a bit of confusion and mis-understanding I got this guy. He looks rad, so I just built him.

He looks awesome, he will be my necro mancer for my list. For my Liche King, I'm going to get my self a Sauron the Necromancer model from games workshop. I think he's fittingly evil, undead and has a great dynamic pose.

Next up I made 3 werewolves and here they are, fangs and all.

Well these guys, I'm not super sold on. There limbs are rather long for the body of the model and there posing leaves a lot be desired. In a box of 3 they pretty much have to made like this and even the joins on the arms to the body don't look as flush and as clean cut as they could be. I'm not super fussy however and with a lick of paint and a decent base they will be tearing up the table top in no time. In my list I'll be using a horde of these so I have 3 more to come, ready to hunt down any silly range unit that thinks shooting is the correct thing to do. They will meet a swift end, werewolf justice style.

Now onto some properly amazing models. The soul reaver cavarly

Not enough good things can be said about these models, full on beautiful. Full of detail, full of character and when put into context of blood knights (61.50 for 5 from GW) these are ridiculously good value. I'm fallen in love with these guys and cannot wait to paint them! Again in the list I'll be using a regiment of them so I have 5 more to come and my little undead self could not be happier with the product.

That's all I've made so far, but how are you doing with your hobby? What's your current project, what other ranges are you using apart from mantic or what's your plans / hobby goals for the year?

Thank you for reading and drop a comment below!


  1. It looks like your army has got off to a great start there - we need painted pictures!

    1. Hey Mantic Games! Thanks so much for the read and the reply.

      Painted pictures will be coming very soon so stay tuned

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