Thursday, 21 January 2016

Chelmsford Bunker Slow Grow League!

Hey guys and Buckets Of Brains! Is back with some slow grow league action from the Chelsmford Bunker. It goes over 2 months, kicks off at 750 points and finished on 1500 points, so pretty perfect to me as I'm new to the game.

So first off I got this! Some cool Undead Armies art and a sprue with 2 dwarves on, I'm sure I can make use of them in a base somewhere. I got this just for playing, so awesome!

Secondly my haul came in so I'm finally available to get cracking on finishing off my 2k list. Since ordering the list. playing more games and developing an understanding of the game I want to change it a bit, but for now I'll make it up and play it as I've paid for it. If I plan to attend any tournament I'll make the extra purchases. For now I'll make my Kings Of War ghoulish journey with my list I created from the start, I'm more excited to delve into higher points and really unpack the game then I am having a cookie cutter list that's for sure.

So game one was against Salamanders. For my first 750 Points I used a Necromancer /w War bow of Kala, a Horde of Zombies /w Fireoil, a regiment of Revenant Infantry, a troop of Revenant Cavarly, a troop of Soul Reaver Cavarly and a Balefire catapult.

My opponent had a troop of Regular guys, some spear guys and a big unit of smaller lizards (As you can tell I'm not well versed in the names of other armies yet) as well as a wizard with fireball. He won the roll and went first. He On the double! / Advanced, my turn 1 did the same. I left Soul Reavers in the range of the horde on the right, the Revenants advanced up to the left and the brick in the middle advanced staying out of charge range of it all.

My opponents turn 2 he went back with his skinks, forward with the central block and with the left block he went to move around the building. My turn 2 I noticed as the skinks went back and the central block went forward, my cavarly could charge the skinks and avoid the front arc of the central block by doing so. My Revenant Cavarlt changed facing and moved to be behind the building knowing one hit from the Balefire onto the troop on the left could waver / rout the unit and they have been baited into a situation in which it will take them a long turn to go around the building, but with a a Advance, pivot and a Surge i can get into charge with him safely.

Here is what it looked like after movement, as you can see the Soul Reavers passed the arc of the central block. After this, my balefire hit said troop on the left and wavered it. Following from this I managed to remove the left troop with Revenant Cavarly and I destroyed the skinks with my Soul Reaver Cavarly. So a win for the Undead!

Game 2 was against the Brotherhood of Men, noticing he had a literal 0 ranged units I knew one hit/two hits from my catapult would bag me a knight unit and get me the game. It was a cagey game with my double cav on the right holding his Paladin regiment from going anywhere, the building on the left was also an issue for the Brotherhood.  In retrospect, if he had deployed the paladin unit facing to the his right and done a On the Double order first turn he could of threatened my flank turn 2, which would of been the correct thing to do as me pivoting so I take a frontal charge from the knights may have exposed my flank to the peasants.

I got first turn, advanced and stayed out of threat of it all, turn 1 for the Brotherhood saw him advance with it all, and stay our of threat on the right of the double charge. My turn 2, I landed a hit on the left paladin unit doing 6 wounds but no wavering / rout result. We played the cagey game for one more turn with the Brotherhood staying out of my threats and me out of his. My turn 3 I landed a second hit into the left knight unit, dealing 5 more wounds and wavering it. The right flank remained the same. This forced my opponent into a knee jerk on the double with his peasants as one more hit from my warbow / balefire and his left unit were gone even with another poor nerve roll.

This allowed me to get a double charge, one in the flank and one in the front of the peasants. I wavered the unit, which was a real ball ache for the opponent as his knights what were wavered were now stuck behind a wavered peasant unit. I did however open up my rear to the knights on the right who were engaged in the stand off, but it was a hindered charge as he went through the terrain. He did 7 wounds and didn't rout my Revenant unit.

By doing so it allowed me a rear charge with my Soul Reavers and a Flank with the Revenant Infantry. In this turned I killed both the peasants and the Paladin unit in the above picture. The turn after he charged his knight unit into my untouched zombie horde. The turn after I then routed his last knight unit. Win for the undead!

The third game was against Dwarves but sadly I didn't grab any pictures. I managed a win so that's my three games done this point section of the journeyman and I manged all of them to be a win so I can't complain!

I really enjoyed the games, though at 750 it's not really a full on Rank 'n Flank game it was good to get some games in and reinforce my army rules and stats ect for my self. I think the lack of any ranged for my opponent for the first 2 games was a huge factor, as with so many troops / regiments one good hit with a balefire can swing it in your favour. The game against dwarves was messy and I got lucky with a big nerve roll on my horde of zombies.

I'm very glad to have the rest of my models so I can now start building it all and no longer have to proxy anything! Thank you for dropping and reading, I will have a 1500 battle report coming up soon which will feature Undead Armies v Ratkin, with no proxies. Make sure to tune in for that!

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