Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Welcome to Buckets Of Brains! About me, what to expect and some list discussion.

Hi all! My name is Aaron wilson, I'm 23, a graduate and a huge war gaming fan. I've played warmachine/hordes for 5 years and I'm a pressganger for the system. I've played for 40k for about 7 years, and I played warhammer fantasy for about 7 years. I love the fantasy setting, Dragons, Elves, dwarves, magic? What more could I want! (apart from a damn re work on cannons, looking at you 8th ed). My local games club was running a league at the time when fantasy was killed and damn was it popular, 16 players, trophies, a buzz about the quarter, semi and the ultimate finals. We all took a step back from the game, others have gone into X-wing for the meantime, returned to 40k or have taken a break.

Recently, in the last month we decided to take a look at Kings of War, with us all desperate for some Rank 'n Flank action. I sold all my lizardmen as soon as I heard the Rage of Sigmar, sorry Age of Sigmar rumors. I had a demo game of Kings of War and boy am I sold. I love it, so I'm returning to Rank 'n Flank in the form of a Cold hearted, Necromancer. Undead Armies will be my army for Kings of War and this decision came about for a few reasons, the main one being I've just never played a undead army in a fantasy or otherwise setting. I love the look of it, the scope to produce some amazing pieces and the feeling of being the bad guy for once. I picked the army with no idea how they play, how they perform or what options I had open to me.

So here I am, I have the tokens from counter attack, have my MDF movement trays and my rulebook which I've taken a look over, including the Undead Armies faction. Now I have a 2k list on my way to me and I'm eager to learn, explore and really crack this game open and I would love if you guys would join me on the on the way. This blog will be my journey into Kings of War, from all things to hobby, battle reports and random musings of why I suck, or a tactical genius. I plan to hit tournaments up as soon as I get a respectable looking army and I'm keen for it!

This first post will mainly be looking at my 2k list, what's in it, why I've chosen it and discussion about said list. So here we go, 2000 points of Undead Armies:

Horde - Revenant Infantry (Horde - 40) , Undead Giant Rats (Dogs?) - 210
Troop - Revenant Cavarly (Troop - 5) , - 110
Troop - Revenant Cavarly (Troop - 5) , - 110
Hero - Undead Army Standard Bearer, Mounted on Undead Horse , - 65
War Engine - Balefire Catapult , - 100

Horde - Zombies , - 130
Hero - Vampire on Undead Dragon , - 330
War Engine - Balefire Catapult , - 100

Horde - Werewolves, Blessing of the Gods , - 270
Hero - Liche King, Bane-Chant (3) , - 165

Regiment - Soul Reaver Cavarly, Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar , - 320
Hero - Necromancer, War-Bow of Kaba , - 90

So here's the list, in it's all glory (or failure)? Let me know! I'm looking to post at the very least each week, though I'm sure I'll drop in random posts as I work on my army, have random thoughts or want to discuss lists with you guys.

Thanks for reading, please drop me a comment! I would love to hear more from your Kings of war back ground, are you a warhammer refugee and just starting? Lets take that journey together! Want to tell me my list is bad, could be changed or like it? Drop me a comment on the box below!


  1. A nice start to the blogging. For me the list looks a little too dependent on big ticket items like the Soul Reaver cavalry and the Vampire on Dragon - although the army will look great. I wonder if some cheaper chaff - zombie regiments, or skellie regiments might be good. I might be tempted to brig some archers instead of the Balefire too.

    Anyhoo - added to my blog roll and keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Jonah! Thanks for the read and the reply, super grateful!

      Funny you should say that, before I posted this up I had 2 troops of skeleton archers in the list, which got replaced by ramping my werewolves up to a horde and my mounted BSB (as well as some item tweaks)

      Do you think the list would be served with the just a regiment of werewolves, no mounted BSB and the 2 troops of skeleton archers (This also allowed brew of strength of my revenant block)

      Would love to hear your opinion on what is the better load out as I'm a sponge for kings of war information at the moment!
