Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Brains (Or lack of them) over Braum! Undead Armies face off against the brutal Ogre Armies.

Hey guys Buckets Of Brains! Is back baby and I'm pretty excited to throw down my first battle report for you. Now, it's only around 900 points and this is my 7th game and my friends first. None the less, it was a great game and I'm loving the game more and more, I have a solid grasp of the rules and I'm so excited to play some larger 1500-2000 point games.

My Undead Armies for this battle was :

Zombies - Horde
Revenant Infantry - Horde
Werewolves - Regiment
Soul Reaver Cavarly - Troop 
Liche King - Hero
Balefire Catapult - War Engine

Ogre Armies brang:

Ogre Warriors - Horde
Siege Breakers - Regiment
Shooters - Regiment
Warlord /w Two handed weapon instead of shield - Hero
Captian /w Heavy Crossbow  - Hero
Warlock /w Fireball - Hero

I won't go into any great detail for lists as well, this is what I have built bar 5 more Soul Reaver Cavarly 1 more Balefire Catapult, 3 more Werewolves and 10 Skeleton Archers. I simply made my list to my opponent points and tried to bring a little of everything. My good friend chose what he did as it's simply what he had painted. We played the kill scenario with minimal scenery as we're getting our head around the rules.

Here is the deployment, Martyn won the roll, chose his side and put down his horde of Warriors in the center of the table. I knew that if I funneled all my forces into the middle of the board I would simply be out muscled. I decided to throw the two hordes in the middle and the fast movers out on the flank, with the Balefire Catapult behind the hordes. The Liche King sat behind the horde of zombies and was within inspiring range of both hordes. Martyns army from left to right is - Shooters, Captian /w Heavy crossbow, Ogre Warriors, Warlock, Siege Breakers and lastly the Warlord on the right to contest the Werewolves. Mine from left to right is Soul Reaver Cavarly, Revenant Infantry, Zombies, Liche king behind, Balefire Catapult behind, Werewolves on the far right flank.

Turn 1 for the ogres saw the Warriors / Siege breakers make there way for the middle, the Warlord took an advance and pivoted, and the Shooters / Captain stood still. The warlock advanced to be within 24" for some lightning bolt goodness. The Shooters / Captain shot the Soul Reavers, doing a combined damage of only 1 wound and no wavering result was rolled. The lightning bolt managed to miss all 3 times sadly.

Undead turn 1! The werewolves on the right flank went a straight on the double and took there pivot due to being nimble right at the end in which I was hoping to clear the arc of sight of the Warlord, which i did not by a big margin! The Soul Reavers took a on the double on the left flank, meaning any further shooting would either be hindered completely or at least claim cover from the those nasty shooting units. The main bulks advanced, I left both units within 12" of the Warriors, knowing if one didn't crack it would be sad times for the Warriors. The Liche King advanced to retain his Inspiring on both units. The Balefire Catapult took a shot into those darn Shooters and missed.

Ogre Armies Turn 2, we talked the charge out between us. The warriors had 18 attacks at melee 3+ with CS1. Meaning with a spike of good rolls the zombies could reasonably be within rout range after the combat. The Warriors did take the charge into the zombies, the Siege breakers took a move to threaten the Zombies if not routed. The Shooter and Captain stood still and looked down there barrels at my Revenant Infantry. Martyn was hoping between the fireball from the Warlock, and combined arms shooting from both the Shooters and Captain a big dent would be made into the Revenant Infantry. I think in total the unit suffered 7 wounds, but being -/20 a roll could not be made.

The Warlord took the charge into the Werewolves and yes Martyn is a commission painter and his stuff is of  the highest caliber, here's a great action shot of the warlord smashing into the Werewolf regiment. The combats were rolled and Martyn did 10 damage to the zombie horde, his initial roll of 11 on the nerve would of routed, the re roll from inspiring was sadly not enough and the Zombie horde were steady. The Warlord fluffed his rolls and only did 2 damage to the Werewolf unit, with them being 12/14 they were also steady.

Here is the scene at the end of Undead Armies turn 2. The Werewolves counter charged the Warlord, the Soul Reavers couldn't quite make it into contact with the flank of the Shooter regiment with one pivot. They took a 4" advanced, pivoted and advanced 4" more to have a guaranteed flank on the Shooters unless they moved. The Zombie horde counter charged the Warriors and the Revenant Infantry charged the flank. The Liche King threw a Bane Chant on the Revenant Infantry and succeeded. The Balefire shot at the shooters and again missed.  In the melees the Werewolves did 3 damage, lifeleeched 1 back and did not waver / rout the Warlord. The warrior unit were routed with both my units getting 1 wound back via lifeleech. My Revenant Infantry took a change facing, and my Zombies moved D6 back rolling a 1.

Ogre Turn 3! The Siege Breakers slammed into the Zombie Regiment, The Warlord counter Charged the Werewolves and the Warlock, Shooters and Captian all opened up into the Revenant Infantry. The Revenants being DE5, paired with Ogres RA5 meant they only took 5 more damage putting them on 11. Being -/20 they stayed, the Warlord did 3 more to my Werewolves putting them on 4 damage. Needing a 8 to waver and a 10 to rout they were steady.

Undead Turn 3, The Soul Reavers got the flank into the Shooters. The Werewolves counter charged the Warlord and the Revenant Infantry received a change facing order. In the shooting phase my Liche King cast his Surge (12) onto the Revenants which pushed them into melee and this a successful charge into the Siege Breakers. The Werewolves did 4, Lifeleeched 1 and didn't rout or waver the Warlord. The shooters were routed and with some incredible rolling the Siege Breakers were routed. I'm sure the Balefire Catapult shot something, but missed.

Ogre turn 4, this picture is a little out of Sync, as Martyn forgot to move his Captain which we did after the photo was taken. The Captain was marched out of arc of sight of both my units, the Werewolves were finished by the Warlord and he changed his facing. The Warlock threw a fireball into the Revenant Infantry, looking for a 10 to rout them within my inspiring they were steady.

Undead Armies turn 4, with a surge into the Captains flank and my Soul Reavers going into the flank of the Warlock, both heroes were routed my turn 4 and only the Warlord was left. He made a last stand into the Soul Reavers but was ultimately cut down by the pack of Vampires.

In the end it was a victory for the Undead Armies! It was a great game as all games are against Martyn. We had a good laugh and he got a grasp on the rule set right off the bat.

Thank you for turning in guys, and I hope you enjoyed it. The blog will feature a 1500 point game against Ratkin very soon so stay tuned! 

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Ogres are coming!

Hey guys! Buckets Of Brains! Is back and showing off some progress from Harlow Games club slow grow league. We kick off at 750 and week by week grow to 2k, with a different scenario and increasing point limit each week. I've just finished 10 of my 20 skeleton archers, only leaving me 10 Revenant Cavalry, Cursed Pharoah, Liche king and Mounted vampire lord to make!

This post will be showing my good friends Martyn Foster progress on his ogres because boy, they're beautiful. He is a commission painter and all of his stuff looks amazing so he deserves the spotlight. Lets take a look!

First off his unit of shooters, I love the OSL lighting on the models and the rust effects on the the guns, I dislike being shot by them.

Next up his wizard, this was a butcher from the WFB range but we think it's appropriate for his wizard which again, looks the balls!

Next up I mean.. just wow look at these guys. The model in front center will be Martyns Warlord model and is breathtaking in detail, and behind are his ogre warriors which are equally stunning.

Last but by no means least, siege breakers and his captian. Again these models are full of detail, stunning basing and rich tones.

That's it for this installment, but coming up soon is battle reports, lots of them! I nearly have 3k of Undead Armies made up, so it's time to start putting brush to model as well cracking out some 2k games.

Thanks for reading guys and drop me a comment on what you're currently working on!

Sunday, 24 January 2016

I got me some reinforcements!

Hey guys I hope you're all well! I'm back with some more undead ghoulies for my Undead Armies force.

Quick note, CanCon has hit us and it's over. With the recent discussion on the forums with Undead Armies and Elf Armies being under the spot light this is huge information for the rules comitte, and It's great to see big events being run for Kings of War. It's really exploding at the moment and I cannot wait to get my teeth into the tournament scene.

I got my second box of Soul Reaver Cavarly and was very eager to make them. This models are simply gorgeous, Ive made 5 with capes and 5 without for a few reasons. The main for me, is vampires are in my eyes beings of huge power. One vampire could cut down a hundred men, the idea of a "pack" or "group" of vampires hunting seems odd to me. I more like the idea of a pack of single vampires have joined together for a mass battle, so I'm hoping the non uniformity gets this across. Secondly, if I do want to run 2 troops rather then 1 regiment they will be easily distinguishable

Next up are my Balefire Catapults, I've fallen for these guys pretty hard and I plan to get a third pretty soon. These guys destroy stuff when the hit and Indirect Fire is the rule to have for war-engines. I'm a big big fan of these guys and very glad to have got them made.

That's it for this installment and thank you very much for reading. Drop me a comment on what you're working, how's it going or are you attending any events soon?

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Chelmsford Bunker Slow Grow League!

Hey guys and Buckets Of Brains! Is back with some slow grow league action from the Chelsmford Bunker. It goes over 2 months, kicks off at 750 points and finished on 1500 points, so pretty perfect to me as I'm new to the game.

So first off I got this! Some cool Undead Armies art and a sprue with 2 dwarves on, I'm sure I can make use of them in a base somewhere. I got this just for playing, so awesome!

Secondly my haul came in so I'm finally available to get cracking on finishing off my 2k list. Since ordering the list. playing more games and developing an understanding of the game I want to change it a bit, but for now I'll make it up and play it as I've paid for it. If I plan to attend any tournament I'll make the extra purchases. For now I'll make my Kings Of War ghoulish journey with my list I created from the start, I'm more excited to delve into higher points and really unpack the game then I am having a cookie cutter list that's for sure.

So game one was against Salamanders. For my first 750 Points I used a Necromancer /w War bow of Kala, a Horde of Zombies /w Fireoil, a regiment of Revenant Infantry, a troop of Revenant Cavarly, a troop of Soul Reaver Cavarly and a Balefire catapult.

My opponent had a troop of Regular guys, some spear guys and a big unit of smaller lizards (As you can tell I'm not well versed in the names of other armies yet) as well as a wizard with fireball. He won the roll and went first. He On the double! / Advanced, my turn 1 did the same. I left Soul Reavers in the range of the horde on the right, the Revenants advanced up to the left and the brick in the middle advanced staying out of charge range of it all.

My opponents turn 2 he went back with his skinks, forward with the central block and with the left block he went to move around the building. My turn 2 I noticed as the skinks went back and the central block went forward, my cavarly could charge the skinks and avoid the front arc of the central block by doing so. My Revenant Cavarlt changed facing and moved to be behind the building knowing one hit from the Balefire onto the troop on the left could waver / rout the unit and they have been baited into a situation in which it will take them a long turn to go around the building, but with a a Advance, pivot and a Surge i can get into charge with him safely.

Here is what it looked like after movement, as you can see the Soul Reavers passed the arc of the central block. After this, my balefire hit said troop on the left and wavered it. Following from this I managed to remove the left troop with Revenant Cavarly and I destroyed the skinks with my Soul Reaver Cavarly. So a win for the Undead!

Game 2 was against the Brotherhood of Men, noticing he had a literal 0 ranged units I knew one hit/two hits from my catapult would bag me a knight unit and get me the game. It was a cagey game with my double cav on the right holding his Paladin regiment from going anywhere, the building on the left was also an issue for the Brotherhood.  In retrospect, if he had deployed the paladin unit facing to the his right and done a On the Double order first turn he could of threatened my flank turn 2, which would of been the correct thing to do as me pivoting so I take a frontal charge from the knights may have exposed my flank to the peasants.

I got first turn, advanced and stayed out of threat of it all, turn 1 for the Brotherhood saw him advance with it all, and stay our of threat on the right of the double charge. My turn 2, I landed a hit on the left paladin unit doing 6 wounds but no wavering / rout result. We played the cagey game for one more turn with the Brotherhood staying out of my threats and me out of his. My turn 3 I landed a second hit into the left knight unit, dealing 5 more wounds and wavering it. The right flank remained the same. This forced my opponent into a knee jerk on the double with his peasants as one more hit from my warbow / balefire and his left unit were gone even with another poor nerve roll.

This allowed me to get a double charge, one in the flank and one in the front of the peasants. I wavered the unit, which was a real ball ache for the opponent as his knights what were wavered were now stuck behind a wavered peasant unit. I did however open up my rear to the knights on the right who were engaged in the stand off, but it was a hindered charge as he went through the terrain. He did 7 wounds and didn't rout my Revenant unit.

By doing so it allowed me a rear charge with my Soul Reavers and a Flank with the Revenant Infantry. In this turned I killed both the peasants and the Paladin unit in the above picture. The turn after he charged his knight unit into my untouched zombie horde. The turn after I then routed his last knight unit. Win for the undead!

The third game was against Dwarves but sadly I didn't grab any pictures. I managed a win so that's my three games done this point section of the journeyman and I manged all of them to be a win so I can't complain!

I really enjoyed the games, though at 750 it's not really a full on Rank 'n Flank game it was good to get some games in and reinforce my army rules and stats ect for my self. I think the lack of any ranged for my opponent for the first 2 games was a huge factor, as with so many troops / regiments one good hit with a balefire can swing it in your favour. The game against dwarves was messy and I got lucky with a big nerve roll on my horde of zombies.

I'm very glad to have the rest of my models so I can now start building it all and no longer have to proxy anything! Thank you for dropping and reading, I will have a 1500 battle report coming up soon which will feature Undead Armies v Ratkin, with no proxies. Make sure to tune in for that!

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Hello guys welcome back to Buckets Of Brains!

I've made a little more progress on my army, I managed to make a dent in my 40 zombies before heading off to my local games club tonight.

Here they are, I really like these guys. I think with the mutli-posing opportunity they're a really great kit if you're looking for zombies as well as reasonably priced. I also took a group of my collection of ghoulish goodness so far.

Here we go, I'm collecting the rest of my 2000 point list tomorrow which I cannot wait for. Once the models are up and running I'm going to get some battle reports going down for sure.

Thanks for tuning in, please drop a comment on how your army is going so far and what's your plans for it!

Friday, 15 January 2016

Braaainsss.... no wait! Wrong unit, I'm back with some skeletons with armor!

Hey all Buckets Of Brains is back and I've made some more progress with my army, this time featuring some Revenant Infantry. My list will feature a horde of these guys and I'm waiting for my next 20 to arrive. I love these guys, they're full of character with a whole TON of options to customize what you want from them. Enough typing, here's the photos of the 20!

These guys are awesomeeeeee! What are you guys currently working on, what's your favorite unit?

Thank you for the read and drop a comment below!

Thursday, 14 January 2016

A necromancer, some werewolves and soul reaver cavarly walk into a bar...

Hey guys! I'm back and I've managed to make some models, sadly I'm still waiting on half of my army to arrive, but I've got the first half and last night I managed to crack on and make some models so I thought I'd share with you what I made.

So first off is this guy, I ordered a regular necromancer through my local mantic crack, sorry model dealer and through a bit of confusion and mis-understanding I got this guy. He looks rad, so I just built him.

He looks awesome, he will be my necro mancer for my list. For my Liche King, I'm going to get my self a Sauron the Necromancer model from games workshop. I think he's fittingly evil, undead and has a great dynamic pose.

Next up I made 3 werewolves and here they are, fangs and all.

Well these guys, I'm not super sold on. There limbs are rather long for the body of the model and there posing leaves a lot be desired. In a box of 3 they pretty much have to made like this and even the joins on the arms to the body don't look as flush and as clean cut as they could be. I'm not super fussy however and with a lick of paint and a decent base they will be tearing up the table top in no time. In my list I'll be using a horde of these so I have 3 more to come, ready to hunt down any silly range unit that thinks shooting is the correct thing to do. They will meet a swift end, werewolf justice style.

Now onto some properly amazing models. The soul reaver cavarly

Not enough good things can be said about these models, full on beautiful. Full of detail, full of character and when put into context of blood knights (61.50 for 5 from GW) these are ridiculously good value. I'm fallen in love with these guys and cannot wait to paint them! Again in the list I'll be using a regiment of them so I have 5 more to come and my little undead self could not be happier with the product.

That's all I've made so far, but how are you doing with your hobby? What's your current project, what other ranges are you using apart from mantic or what's your plans / hobby goals for the year?

Thank you for reading and drop a comment below!

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Welcome to Buckets Of Brains! About me, what to expect and some list discussion.

Hi all! My name is Aaron wilson, I'm 23, a graduate and a huge war gaming fan. I've played warmachine/hordes for 5 years and I'm a pressganger for the system. I've played for 40k for about 7 years, and I played warhammer fantasy for about 7 years. I love the fantasy setting, Dragons, Elves, dwarves, magic? What more could I want! (apart from a damn re work on cannons, looking at you 8th ed). My local games club was running a league at the time when fantasy was killed and damn was it popular, 16 players, trophies, a buzz about the quarter, semi and the ultimate finals. We all took a step back from the game, others have gone into X-wing for the meantime, returned to 40k or have taken a break.

Recently, in the last month we decided to take a look at Kings of War, with us all desperate for some Rank 'n Flank action. I sold all my lizardmen as soon as I heard the Rage of Sigmar, sorry Age of Sigmar rumors. I had a demo game of Kings of War and boy am I sold. I love it, so I'm returning to Rank 'n Flank in the form of a Cold hearted, Necromancer. Undead Armies will be my army for Kings of War and this decision came about for a few reasons, the main one being I've just never played a undead army in a fantasy or otherwise setting. I love the look of it, the scope to produce some amazing pieces and the feeling of being the bad guy for once. I picked the army with no idea how they play, how they perform or what options I had open to me.

So here I am, I have the tokens from counter attack, have my MDF movement trays and my rulebook which I've taken a look over, including the Undead Armies faction. Now I have a 2k list on my way to me and I'm eager to learn, explore and really crack this game open and I would love if you guys would join me on the on the way. This blog will be my journey into Kings of War, from all things to hobby, battle reports and random musings of why I suck, or a tactical genius. I plan to hit tournaments up as soon as I get a respectable looking army and I'm keen for it!

This first post will mainly be looking at my 2k list, what's in it, why I've chosen it and discussion about said list. So here we go, 2000 points of Undead Armies:

Horde - Revenant Infantry (Horde - 40) , Undead Giant Rats (Dogs?) - 210
Troop - Revenant Cavarly (Troop - 5) , - 110
Troop - Revenant Cavarly (Troop - 5) , - 110
Hero - Undead Army Standard Bearer, Mounted on Undead Horse , - 65
War Engine - Balefire Catapult , - 100

Horde - Zombies , - 130
Hero - Vampire on Undead Dragon , - 330
War Engine - Balefire Catapult , - 100

Horde - Werewolves, Blessing of the Gods , - 270
Hero - Liche King, Bane-Chant (3) , - 165

Regiment - Soul Reaver Cavarly, Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar , - 320
Hero - Necromancer, War-Bow of Kaba , - 90

So here's the list, in it's all glory (or failure)? Let me know! I'm looking to post at the very least each week, though I'm sure I'll drop in random posts as I work on my army, have random thoughts or want to discuss lists with you guys.

Thanks for reading, please drop me a comment! I would love to hear more from your Kings of war back ground, are you a warhammer refugee and just starting? Lets take that journey together! Want to tell me my list is bad, could be changed or like it? Drop me a comment on the box below!