Monday, 1 February 2016

The Undead legions are amassing!

Hey all! Buckets Of Brains! is back and I've got really cool new toys to show you. I'm nearly at around 2000 points before any upgrades now and if all my units are taken at maximum size. I'll probably be getting 60 more zombies (40 zombies and 20 ghouls) as well as A horde of skeleton spears and then settle down for a bit and paint the undead masses.

First off, my Mounted vampire lord. This guy is from GW and his pretty incredible as well as being a solid staple in an Undead Armies List. His sword was bent way backwards but with some warm water he was able to be saved.

Next up my Liche King, again from the GW range. this is pretty perfect for what I imagined a Liche King to look like so I'm super happy with the model. 

Next up is my Cursed Pharoah, now with this guy I wasn't sure what I imagined. When i saw this model I just thought - Yes! This is what I want for him, adorned in armor and ready to smash through long ears or short legs.

I also managed to make up my 2 troops of Revenant Cavarly, these guys look really nice but sadly the spears are somewhat bendy, though with a little force they will bend back. The models are full of character however and the horses are great steeds.

And here it is all so far! I literally only have 10 skeleton archers left and that is it all made up! I now have..

Mounted Vampire Lord
Liche King
Cursed Pharoah
40 Zombies
40 Revenant Infantry
20 Skeleton Archers 
10 Soul Reaver Cavarly
10 Revenant Cavarly
6 Werewolves
2 Balefire Catapults

My next purchases will be 60 more zombies and a horde Skeleton Spear men, then I'm done for a long time and It's time to start painting my Skorne for the Welsh Nationals! I'm planning on running a KoW event Colchester, Essex UK at 4tk gaming in late April which should be really good. 

Thanks for tuning in, I'm going to try and get some 1500-2000 point battle reports in along the line.

What are you guys doing hobby wise, how's your collection going? Drop me a comment to let me know!


  1. I would think the GW guy with the crown and heavy armor would make a better Lich King and the mummified guy with the staff/glaive thing would make a more natural cursed pharoah, just in terms of immediately remembering who is who for your opponent.

    1. Hey man! Thanks for taking the time to read - In regards to the models.

      The Liche King is essentially a Lord level Necromancer, he's a uber spell caster and I think that's more reflected in the model I've chosen, he looks melee orientated.

      The Cursed Pharaoh is a melee monster, that's why I've chosen the Wight King model for him. He better resembles the high defense melee beast that a Cursed Pharoah is. To me personally anyway.

    2. They're all great models, but I think I'm with 'unknown' on this. You of course can use whatever models for whatever you want, but if I was your opponent I'm pretty sure I'd assume glance guy was the pharaoh. And I'd probably assume the wight was a revenant King rather than pharaoh. Although I do like the way you've thought through their stats profiles for justification of the models. I'd always assumed the high def of the cursed pharaoh was ancient magics and rubbery flesh and bandages, but enchanted cursed armour or whatever also works. Just because your interpretation is different to mine doesn't mean it's wrong!

    3. Hey Salem! First of thanks for taking the time to read and your comment above, super grateful!

      I can also see your guys points coming across. I appreciate the old Liche Priest model looks more like a Pharaoh, and the Wight King probably looks more like a Revenant?

      I would just feel a bit odd charging into a unit with the Old fella and smashing it up, he looks old and frail! The Wight King looks like a melee badass and I would have feel him odd casting spells in the back also aha!

      At the end of the day it's our own little world and we all have it the way we want it. I appreciate your point of view but that's the great thing about Mantic / Kings of War, the word of Mantica is your oyster!

    4. Liche king* Not a revenant even.

  2. I meant glaive guy, not glance guy. Stupid autocorrect.
